
Phone : 0381 - 234 2404 / 0381 - 234 2662
e-mail : bvbtrbs01@rediffmail.com


Library and Reading Room Rules

Students of Classes III to XII are permitted to borrow only one book at a time. The books must be returned within the date, failing which the borrow shall have to pay a fine of Rs.5/- per week Re 1 per day.
Strict silence should be maintained in the Library cum Reading room. Personal belonging like books, bags, umbrellas etc. are not permitted to be brought inside the room. In case of damage to a book, the book, the borrow shall have to pay its full cost + 10% departmental charge. In the events of loss of a library book, the matter must be reported to the Librarian immediately, failing which, the borrower shall have to pay an extra fine of Rs.1 per day besides full cost.
Reference books should not taken out of the library. Transfer of books without proper entry in the loan card is not permitted. The student in whose name a book is issued shall be held responsible for its return.


Sitting capacity in the Reading Room


50 Nos.


Number of Book


4390 Nos.


Number of Titles


1804 Nos.


Number of Reference books like encyclopaedias, dictionaries, Documents, Reports etc.


66 Nos.


Names of Journals subscribed



  1. Indian Journals of Teacher Education Anweshika
  2. Indian Journal of Teacher Education
  3. Journal of Indian Education
  4. Teacher Support
  5. Journal of Chemical Science
  6. Procedings of Mathematical Science
  7. Pramana Journal of Physics
  8. Resonance
  9. Current Science
  10. GCTE Journal of Research & Extension in Education


Number of books added during the previous academic session




Number of books added during the current academic session


531 Nos.