Published on January 21, 2020
More than two and a half decades back, Bhavan's pledged to transform education in the soil of Tripura....M.Sc M.Phil B.Ed, Principal
We all are learners in every stage of our life and there is a log more to learn from our successors. Just like watering and nurturing a plant.M.A.(Hons), PGT
I understand the walls outside of this classroom and think about them as context for everything we do here for betterment of thier carrier.M.A.(Hons), PGT
We are sure that optimistic attitude, diligence and inventive ideas exhibited by our young buddies will surely stir the mind of the readers.M.Com., PGT
You are the reason we are here. This is all for you and if it doesn’t feel like it, let’s talk about it. Every child is a single unit with immense potentiality.